It is essential to create a brand in order to keep a loyal and customer focused relationship. But which are the steps to take in order to become a brand? Let it be explained to you by Mylene van Wijk, Marketing and Communicatie Manager at coeo.
At coeo, we differentiate ourselves by not taking the traditional path of credit management, which is also reflected in our branding. Not only do we approach the market from a modern marketing perspective and innovative view, but we also focus on further trends, technology and empathy. Our IT-driven DNA shines through in our services, on our (online) platforms and original content.
Mylene van Wijk: In creating our brand, we first map out that what we want to represent matches our mission, vision and core values. What is your organisation's right to exist and what are your customer's needs? What is the long-term goal? coeo wants to be a leader in solving late payment problems in Europe and ensure the maintenance of good customer relations. Innovation, quality and personal is at the heart of this.
We make sure this is carried by every department in the organisation and thus translated into all our activities and touchpoints. Marketing then ensures that this is communicated to the outside world in visual and textual expressions.
Mylene van Wijk: Attributes that should definitely be attached to a brand are recognisability and value creation for your target group. Then you need to translate it into your activities and your own style of communication with visual and textual aspects.
Mylene van Wijk: For coeo, creating a brand means expressing our innovative DNA and creating a unique, customer focused experience.
Titelbild: © Mylene van Wijk